Egyptian Iced Mint-Lemonade: ليمون بالنعناع

Egyptian Iced Mint-Lemonade


Beat the heat and quench your thirst with this frothy and refreshing Egyptian Iced Mint-Lemonade. If you ever swing by Egypt, make sure to try this refreshing drink in a traditional street cafe “ahawa”.  It is served in five star hotels as well as humble street cafes.

This fragrant Iced Mint-Lemonade resurfaced in my life when I visited my in-laws in California one hot summer and found a thriving lemon tree in their garden begging to be used.

Following a summery grilled dinner in the backyard, I blitzed all the Iced Mint-Lemonade ingredients together, for a couple of minutes, and the frothy, refreshing drink was ready to serve.

It is so quick to make, given that the citrus is blended with the peel on. Therefore I strongly recommend using unwaxed (organic) lemons or limes.

What is Iced Mint-Lemonade?

Mint-Lime smoothie is the product of abundant and juicy Egyptian lemons and the excellent breed of mint, which organically grows in Egypt.

As an Egyptian diaspora, I always miss Egyptian fresh produce in general and Egyptian citrus in specific. A hybrid of lemon and lime, the unique Egyptian citrus fruit amasses the qualities of both—the marbled yellow-green color, delicate acidity, and subtle sweetness.

On top of their exotic flavor, they are utterly photogenic—so I made sure, on my last trip to Oum Al Donia (Egypt), to tuck in a bag of Lemons into my stuffed suitcase.

Given that I live in the US and have no access to those unique Egyptian lemons, I replace them using both lemon and lime to emulate the original Egyptian drink.

How to Make Iced Mint-Lemonade? 


Egyptian Lemons
Egyptian lemons are the size of a walnut. They are hybrid of lime and lemon, amassing notes of acidity and sweetness.

Making this Ice Mint-Lemonade is as easy as it gets. Combine the unsprayed, quartered, and seeded lemons and limes, the sweetener of your choice, water, ice, and fresh mint in a blender. Blend until everything is nicely incorporated and there are no big pieces of lemon skin, or the mint leaves are totally blended in. Serve in tall glasses immediately.

Detox Egyptian Iced Mint Lemonade? 

Traditionally, this Egyptian mint-lemonade is sweetened with white sugar, which can easily be replaced with honey, maple syrup, or even Stevia for a healthier keto/paleo version.

The health benefits of both lemon/lime, and mint combined help in detoxing the body. I have been relying on this drink to hydrate while I pursue my keto diet and it proved to be effective and very refreshing.

Where To Find Egyptian Iced Mint Lemonade in the US

If you find yourself in Washington DC, try Iced Mint Lemonade at Fava Pot, the Egyptian restaurant. They make it just right.


Egyptian Iced Mint-Lemonade

Serves 6-8 people


    • 3 lemons, unsprayed (organic), seeded and quartered
    • 1 lime, seeded and quartered
    • 1 cup fresh mint leaves, coarsely chopped
    • 2 cups water, and some extra if needed
    • 1/4 -1/2 cup sugar, maple syrup, honey or Stevia 
    • 1 cup ice cubes
  • For garnish
    • Mint sprigs and lemon slices to decorate the glasses, optional


  1. Add the quartered lemons, lime, water, ice and sugar (or alternative) to the blender and blitz at high speed for a few minutes.
  2. When it becomes frothy and smooth, pour it into a pitcher that contains ice.
  3. Add additional water if you find it too concentrated.
  4. Serve immediately before the ice melts, and the bright green color turns into a dull brown shade.

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I share storied Egyptian recipes that spreads joy, finds anchor and bring a lasting sense of belonging.

10 thoughts on “Egyptian Iced Mint-Lemonade: ليمون بالنعناع

  1. I can’t wait to try this! It’s so simple and healthy. Beautiful photo!

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